Thursday, November 1, 2007


Good morning. It's the day after Halloween and after making it through the spooky winds of Ghost, Goblins and Ghouls, Southern California braces itself for another Witch of a time as the Santa Ana Winds return and new fires loom on the horizon. These Santa Ana winds could be blowing anywhere from 30 and 50 mph and give our hot weather and dry foliage it’s "blast furnace" effect.

Governor Schwarzenegger has put all state agencies on call. Cal-Fires, the Department of Forestry and Office of Emergency Service have all been strategically placed throughout Southern California. 1500 National Guard are and on stand-by as are six water dumping planes they deploy.

Many residence here have not unloaded their cars from last week's evacuations, in anticipation of this new warm up. And please don't act surprised when we tell you there are four major fires still burning here from last week. Tune in here for updates.