Friday, November 23, 2007

Jesus Take The Wheel: Marion Jones Must Give-Up The Medals, Come Off Some Cash, And See An Orthodontist Immediately!

Marion We're Pissed At You, Let's Hug It Out

Broke and humiliated, Marion Jones can longer even take solace in seeing her name beside her greatest feats in the record books. The International Association of Athletics Federation on Friday annulled all of the Black track star's results dating to September 2000, including her Olympic and world championship titles, because of admitted doping from illegal steroid use.

What's more, track and field's governing body also wants Jones to pay back about $700,000 of the sistahs winnings during that period. Talk about piling on, isn't it bad enough that her career is ovah and a prison sentence is still looming? Of course the final nail in the coffin is that the organization has also recommended that Jones' relay teammates be disqualified and lose their medals from the 2000 Sydney Olympics.

Is America Being Harder On High Profile Black Sports Figures?

For African American superstar athletes, this has not been a banner year. Michael Vick's dog case, Barry Bond's alleged perjury, the Isiah Thomas' sexual harassment verdict, Mike Tyson doing time in pink, Shaq's pending divorce, Adam "Pacman' Jones five arrests in two years, and of course everyone's favorite murderer, O.J. Simpson. We hate it when Black folks gloss over our issues and play victim in situations where we're just plain wrong. But since we keep it real here, let's just say that these stories have definitely spoiled our appetite for those Thanksgiving leftovers.