Tuesday, November 4, 2014

10 Amazing Dog House Designs For The Over-Pampered Pup

Luxury Barkitecture

Dog House Designs | Most of us realize that to the rest of the world, we dog people seem a bit weird. The grooming, the doggie sweaters, the organic treats and ergonomic dog beds are one thing, but dog toys like these go beyond overboard. These dog house designs are so detailed, so realistic and so expensive that even their human house counterparts can be less attractive. These luxury dog house designs will change your opinion of what a dog house can be, but shouldn’t surprise you with what some rich dog owners are willing to spend to keep their puppies wagging.

Celebrity Hacienda Dog House

Does your dog have a flair for the Mediterranean Revival? The Celebrity Hacienda Dog House is a palace for your pup, inspired by the clay tile and stucco wall architecture of the Mediterranean. It features twin wooden doors that open and shut with a bit of pressure from your dog, keeping them sheltered from the elements and perfectly private. Those lights by the door don’t actually work, but with a couple LEDs and some handy wiring, you can give your dog some night time illumination. Good luck trying to get the little guy to cough up for the electric bill, though.

Hundehaus Cubix: The Modern Doghouse

The Frank Lloyd Ruff in your family will certainly enjoy this one. Hundehaus Cubix: The Modern Doghouse is a white-walled, red trim dog house with large windows and an interesting woof, er, roof. It’s large enough for a few dogs to share, leaving enough room for them to adorn its inner walls with their favorite modern art.
Hundehaus Cubix Gallery

Brick Estate Dog House

If your dog is more of an on-the-town type, the Brick Estate Dog House brings with it a certain air of southern socializing. Its red brick walls, white column porch and paned windows will make a serious statement to your dog’s house guests. If things are a bit too hairy in your own home, your dog can certainly enjoy a night on the town in this one.

Hundehaus Farm Dog House

Farm life suits dogs quite well, whether you live on a farm or not. The Hundehaus Farm Dog House gives a sense of farm living to the pup in your family, with traditional red outer walls, a shingled roof and small, paned glass windows. Inside, your dog can rest comfortably on a flannel dog bed, looking out at its pasture when its not counting sheep within.
Hundehaus Farm Dog House Gallery

Townhouse Indoor Dog House

Who says dog houses have to be outdoors? The Townhouse Indoor Dog House gives your pets privacy and comfort within your own home. This wooden dog house design also doubles as a side table, with ideal placement next to a sofa or a bed. The interior is designed to hold a padded dog bed, which can be easily removed for cleaning. If you’re an apartment or city dweller, you don’t need a yard to have a doghouse.
Townhouse Indoor Dog House Gallery

Hundehaus Fairytale Dog House

Your little princess (or prince with an ambiguous gender identity) could only be truly at home in a castle. So until you can afford springing for a medieval home of your own, the Hundehaus Fairytale Dog House will have to do for your little royal ruffer. This pink castle features twin spires, a ramparted roof and a big, bold crown right above the door. So your dog may not ever realize just how adorable its castle home is, but your human visitors may not be able to handle the cuteness.
Fairytale Dog House Gallery

Colonial Dog House

A home fit for George and Martha Washington should be enough for your pup, don’t you think? The Colonial Dog House brings Mount Vernon living to your backyard, giving your dog a nice rest from the revolutionary war and the politicking that follows. You’d better treat that little guy right, after all, his face will wind up on the doggie dollar bill one day.

Luxury Caravan Dog House

Your life-on-the-go can be a bit tiring for your dog. Your travels can be made easier on your four-legged friend with the Luxury Caravan Dog House. Okay, so this dog house may not be ready to hitch behind your car, but it is cute, comfortable and cozy for your over-pampered pal.
Luxury Caravan Dog House Gallery

English Cottage Dog House

Your Yorkshire Terrier will never feel truly at home unless he/she has an English-style cottage of their own. The English Cottage Dog House is a thatched-roof away from being entirely authentic, but your dog prefers wood shingles anyway. This dog house is intended to be built into your garden, where planters and other garden accessories not only make your yard more attractive, but make that spoiled yorkie even happier.

Hundehaus Alabama Dog House

The Hundehaus Alabama Dog House is a plantation-style mansion for your dog. On breezy, summer evenings your puppy can curl up on the columned front porch, sipping mint juleps, singing the spirituals of yesteryear. On rainier days, your dog can retreat within. Sure, there’s no working fireplace, radiated heat or electricity in this one, but your dog is a simple creature in this finer lifestyle.
Alabama Dog House Gallery
We can’t help but salute the craftsmanship of these dog house designs and the hard work of their designers. While the dogs within may not be aware of the luxury in which they live, these dog houses are more about the owner than the dog itself. Combined, the money spent on these 10 dog houses could afford a pretty nice home for humans, and we can’t help but feel this money could be spent better elsewhere. Taking ourselves out of that economic element, however, we love these dog house designs and salute their designers.