Thursday, November 1, 2007


Duane "DOG" Chapman, the TV Syndicated "Bounty Hunter" loves him some Black folks. He was married by Black minister Tim Storey, (pictured here)
his color preference for clothes and jazz musicians is Black. In fact if he had any "best friends" some of them would probably be Black. But don't' think he wants any of that N***er blood in his family tree. At least that "N" word is how he described the lovely young African American woman his son is now dating. And he was stupid enough to put it on tape?? The National Enquire is now in possession of that tape so you know what's coming; wall to wall replay of the tape all this week on everybodys radio and televison show.

So now "Dog Chapman", has contacted Reverend Al Sharpton, who through some unofficial anointing has been given the spiritual gift of "image cleansing".

So we can add his name to Michael Richards, Don Imus and maybe even (fill in your own name if appropriate) to a long list of individuals who like working and using what African Americans have to offer to enhance their life, but are not interested in having them marry into the family.

We really need to give the flip side of this prejudice. We have our "Archie Bunker" list started from the above names. Let's start our "George Jefferson"
list for Black folks who have expressed these same whacked out views. Because deranged prejudice folks come in all flavors.