Monday, November 26, 2007

Allen Watty Sings New Black Anthem, "Sometimes I Wish I Was White"

What's Up With These Lyrics:

“Sometimes I feel, I wish I was white, so I could feel, just how it feels to be treated right. I’m not ashamed of me. Just one time, I want to see, how it feels to be treated equally."

Independent singer Allen Watty has just taken controversy to another level. Watty is best known as the singer of the "Hurricane Song", which won rave national reviews from ABC News,, and CNN.

Now, he's back with another tune called "Sometimes I Wish I Was White". In the song, Watty reveals that he's not at all ashamed of being Black - but that he has learned that you have to be white to be treated 100% equally.

Producer and songwriter Irvin Lee, comments, "First off, we have no self-hatred issues. The purpose of this song is not to say that Blacks should want to be white. Rather, the intent is to make people think and converse about the continuous mistreatment of Blacks in this country."

After hearing the song, many will indeed conclude that the lyrics in the song suggests that Watty has self-hatred issues. For others, he will seem hopeless and desperate; and for still others he will seem like a man who cannot see that the problem is not his blackness, but his oppressors.

Whatever direction the discussion goes, it will all boil back to one thing; Who are we? And how have we come to this place in time and space? Why are we still being forced to have these discussions surrounding race? Ultimately, what will the outcome be and how will it all be resolved, if at all?

Singer Allen Watty and producer Irvin Lee are doing what they do best - pricking the sensibilities of the American people. And with this tune, they are certain to prick the sensibilities of the Black community especially.

Other songs by Watty include the N-Word song, and Run Joe Run (The Racial Profiling Song).

To hear and/or download the songs for free, visit: Allen Watty