Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Steve Harvey's "Packaged, Do-Good, Likeable, Christian-Type Image" Is About To Get Tested As Ex Mary Goes For The Jugular

Steve Harvey's Former Wife Claims She Was Bamboozled By Comedian and His Lawyer

Things are about to publicly get real ugly for Black entertainer Steve Harvey. Mary Harvey, ex-wife of the comedian and everybody's favorite morning radio personality is taking no prisoners, claiming she was conned into a quickie divorce. Unfortunately, it looks like attempts to keep private details about the star's adultery, poor and neglectful parenting, and "physical and mental abuse" are now officially out there for the world to see.

In a lawsuit filed Monday in Texas against her ex-lawyer, Mary Harvey claims that she was defrauded by the comedian (pictured above right with current wife Majorie) and the couple's longtime attorney, who represented them both in their November 2005 divorce. Harvey alleges that she was unaware of her right to independent counsel and, as a result, was severely shortchanged when it came to alimony, division of community property, and child support. Anderson and the 50-year-old comedian sought to "quickly and quietly dispose of the divorce" because there were "many things that Steve Harvey... did during the Harveys' marriage that he did not want the public to know about. I must say, it did seem rather sudden when Harvey remarried. Before his show went national and he was in Los Angeles, he would go on and on about his wife and how a man should treat a woman. In fact, does anyone remember when he and Mary had their foundation that was instrumental in getting more books into LA classrooms. Oh well, so much for nostalgia.

Check out the court complaint Mary filed. Black love turned ugly people. Not cool!