Thursday, November 22, 2007

Legitimately Kicked To The Curb Or Another Case Of White Cops Tripping: Chicago Area Congressman Danny Davis Claims He's Victim Of Driving While Black

It's Not Always The Case, But Sometimes It's Us Family!

"I hope that this was some kind of isolated instance, but I know in my heart of hearts, I know that it's not," said Chicago Congressman Danny Davis ((D-7th District). The African American House of Reps member claims he was driving three friends home early Monday morning when two White Chicago police officers pulled him over and said he had swerved over the center line before making a left turn. Now you know brother Davis let these White boys know he was big pimpin', so if anyone was going to be given the benefit of the doubt, it would be him.

Speaking of Black Congressmen, More Bribery Charges Alleged Against Louisiana's William "Dollar Bill" Jefferson

But you know how we is. Slammed with a $75 ticket and a date in traffic court on Dec. 28, the 66-year-old congressman with a few past missteps of his own ain't havin' it. "There was just no reason I could conjure up other than the fact that there were four black people in a car," he said. With traffic court matters only heard by a judge, Davis may just want to pay up, sit his butt in a 1 day traffic school class, and call it a day. That's not to say that 59 percent of African-Americans believing they've been racially profiled in traffic stops by police is not a legitimate beef. But in this case, maybe Davis should just get a slice of humble pie to go along with his turkey dinner. [Source]