Monday, November 19, 2007

Barack Has Crazy Love For Iowa And Their Response Is "Back At Cha Baby. Let's All Do The Obama Shuffle!"

Obama Takes The Reigns In Iowa And Now, Hillary's Folks Are In A Tizzy

I'm a Republican, straight out. That said, I've decided that I am voting for Barack Obama not because he's Black, but because I feel inspired by this brother. Regardless of whether it's simply me being okay with the illusion of change, I know in my gut that we need to shake things up a little bit, and Hillary Clinton, or the other Republicans for that matter, are not going to do it.

Apparently I'm not the only one doing the "Obama Shuffle". Judging by the latest polls, a growing focus on fresh ideas coupled with lingering doubts about Hillary's honesty and forthrightness are keeping the Democratic presidential contest close in Iowa. As a result, Barack Obama in particular is mounting an even strong race against the national front-runner. Most Democratic likely voters in Iowa, 55 percent, say they're more interested in a "new direction and new ideas" than in strength and experience, compared with 49 percent in July -- a help to Obama, who holds a substantial lead among "new direction" voters.
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While Clinton still leads on more personal attributes than any of her competitors, just half of Iowa Democrats in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll believe she's willing to say what she really thinks -- far fewer than say so of either Obama or John Edwards. Obama beats her by 2-1 as the most honest and trustworthy candidate. Hillary's advantage on experience, while substantial, has softened since summer. She has notably less support in Iowa than nationally in trust to handle a variety of specific issues -- on Iraq, for example, Obama now runs evenly with her. And she's third in Iowa among men. [ABC News]