Saturday, November 17, 2007

With Music Icon Prince Turning 50 Next Year, Everyone's Singing This Brotha's Songs... And We Mean EVERYONE!

Undercover Black Man really got us thinking about this.

Ever wonder what Prince’s music would sound like with all the funk removed? Now we know, because college a cappella groups love to sing Prince songs. Because, you know, that way, glee clubs are cool! Below are some collegiate a cappella Prince covers Undercover gathered during the golden age of Napster.

One of them he actually likes – the first one, “Thieves in the Temple.”Click the song titles to hear these tracks streaming on my Vox site.1. “Thieves in the Temple” – UNC Loreleis2. “Let’s Go Crazy” – Tufts Beelzebubs3. “1999” – Hullabahoos (University of Virginia)