Friday, November 16, 2007

2008 Presidential Campaign: Voyeuristic Voting Leads To Presumed Patriotism In Obama's Race For The White House

Was The Movie "Mean Girls" Really About Hillary Clinton and The State Of Presidential Politics?

By Jayar Jackson

Backstabbing, bickering, and blatant lying fills the air. Every time a person speaks, every member of a rival clique plugs their ears and screams, ‘la la la la, la’ in hopes of not hearing a single word uttered. This is not the scene at a local high school where 84 minute jailbird Lindsay Lohan designs a dirty plan to destroy the reputation of the cool girl that no one "truly understands". The only other event for such juvenile and mindless games must be a good old fashioned American election.

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama complained and defended himself recently, after an internet photo surfaced of him in a very salacious pose. At Iowa Senator Tom Harkin’s annual Democratic fundraiser, the photo displays Obama with his hands in front of him, near his crotch no less, during what is said to be the recital of the Pledge of Allegiance. With fellow presidential hopefuls Bill Richardson and Hillary Clinton along with Senator Harkin’s wife cascading behind him in the photo, many Americans gasp at this supposed lack of respect and honor he has for the country, as they patriotically stand with right hands over hearts.

Since the picture was first criticized by the News Busters blog, claiming to “expose and combat the liberal media bias,” conservative readers took the non-story to their computers and skewed the facts from there in mass emails. Now Obama irritatingly has to defend his patriotism and allegiance to the country he is campaigning to be the leader of in the wake of played out, pathetic statements comparing his name to the terrorist George W. Bush is unconcerned about hunting down. In addition, references to the brain-dead controversy over him deciding to stop wearing an American flag lapel pin are revived in idiot circles all over. His salient and unnecessary explanation was middle-schooled with thumbs jammed in ears.

For the sake of the delivering one nugget of truth to these drooling, childlike followers, the picture was not taken during the recital of the Pledge of Allegiance, but during the singing of the National Anthem despite what the meaningless emails read. Secondly, who cares? Although the United States Code says that during the National Anthem, all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart, how does that qualify or disqualify anyone from being American enough to be seriously considered for the office of President?

The state of our election process is deteriorating from being a high school popularity contest to rituals that resemble primates beating their chests and screaming the most emotionally charged phrases. Even people that are quick to respond to such statements that tap into their prejudices and fears should be able to realize that petty differences such as where Obama’s right hand is won’t quench their desire to be safe and defeat America’s opponents. Logic should scream that Barack Obama shouldn’t have to tell you that his grandfather taught him the Pledge of Allegiance when he was 2 years old. Common sense should prevail when you wonder if his missing American flag lapel pin allowed over 3,800 U.S. soldiers to be killed in Iraq on false pretenses.

Questioning if he will restore habeas corpus, privacy, and civil rights to all American citizens, including ones that have sex in their own homes differently than him is a nice place to look first. Will the healthcare puzzle that many other countries figured out be solved? How about whether or not our troops that the Republican Party claims as their own will begin to be treated with the dignity, respect, and basic treatment that they deserve when/if they return home? Do our third world-like cities such as New Orleans have the capabilities to survive another Hurricane Katrina? Will it take over two more years of filth, disease, and random violence to begin to revive our lost city? What steps will he take to stop the terrorist-recruiting and anti-American practice of torture that yields false information? Is the candidate going to threaten another sovereign country with unprovoked attacks because of what their leader likes to say about others?

If you think the answers to these questions lie in his American flag pin, whether or not he places his hands on his chest, butt, crotch, or stomach during the national anthem, or if his name comically sounds similar to that of a Muslim, then have fun in your fantasy world called the Matrix. When you see an agent, run, Neo, run!