Saturday, November 17, 2007


The U.S. Is Oil Obese And Folks Are Completely Oblivious

By Jayar Jackson

Everything is going to be fine, it always is. As a Black, red-blooded, apple pie eating, Ford driving American, this is what I have always believed. We have the dollar, the best movies, the best celebrities, the best scientists, and the best food, so deal with it!

We’re the big, bad, United States. We’re the bastion of freedom and self expression. This is the reason that citizens of other countries around the world either want to be an American or want to hate Americans. Since we’re used to everything we see ending up alright and taken care of without giving it another thought, we have developed a sense of complacency. With this pompous and personal view of our world, startling stories about our massive consumption of oil and ridiculous gas prices is just another temporary hiccup to the American machine. Little do we know that these temporarily high oil prices are fueling one of the biggest transfers of wealth in history.

According to the Washington Post, it is pumping more than $2 trillion into the pockets of oil companies and oil-producing nations this year alone. Since our heartland isn’t exactly flooding with oil fields, this huge number that is not spiking, but simply rising means those other nations are the ones benefiting from our belief that everything will be alright. $4 to $5 billion more for crude oil per day compared to five years ago? We don’t have to worry, our part of that bill will come back, this is America.

Americans feeling the pride of being the world’s superpower for this long should realize that money equals power. This power can be utilized for jobs, sophisticated science, state of the art development within cities, and influence. If we continue to sit back and assume that everything will be alright, we could look up and see countries that we’ve always seen as chumps trying to tell us what to do. Conscious citizens have been screaming from the tops of their lungs, begging for a new direction that will focus our weakening dollar more on ways to take a new step. We need some ass kicking personal trainers to run us into the ground and whip us into shape.

Sadly, we, the overweight dreamers elect these politicians based on things that are the furthest thing from how they will keep us on pace with the changing world. Think about it, your out of shape cousin Arthur isn’t going to stop in at Ballys Fitness and look for the personal trainer with the wart on his nose, yanking the donut out of the hand of his client with the sweaty back. When they enter the gym, they hurry by the personal trainers’ table hoping not to hear, “have you received your complementary training session, sir?” He just motors to choose a treadmill in the corner with the best view of some hot bodies. After going over two new exercises, Arthur can go home, take off the still brand new pair of tennis shoes he never broke in from a new year’s resolution 10 months ago, and feel the weight come off. Another year in the bag!

Our ugly, mole-covered politician will never be hired to whip us into shape because it’s too much work for us to feel the burn and give up the family sized pack of oil donuts we add to our 40 gallon tanks everyday. No need to think about that spare tire, we have the technology of Bridgestone Run Flats. Everything is going to be fine…it always is, right?