Thursday, November 29, 2007

Black Singer Brandy: Gets Out of Jail Free on Manslaughter???

Last year, December 30th, a year ago, singer Brandy killed a woman, Awatef Aboudihaj, in a car crash. Yet with the Holiday Season now upon us, the only one who is seemingly thinking about this event or feeling any pain is Awatef's husband and the two boys she left behind.

We have heard nothing from the L.A. City Attorney's Office to file criminal charges against R&B singer Brandy. Happy Diwali, Great Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Righteous Kwanzaa, Happy New Years. Life goes on. It's just that simple. Or is it? Check out this clip:

Isn't there a statue of limitations. If after a year no charges are filed, doesn't this just go away over the holidays? It's a get out of jail card right? Hey you "legal eagles" out there write me back and set me straight, if I'm wrong.

Bill Sayed, lawyer for the victim's husband, Marouane Hdidou, questioned the delay, saying, "There is a death and obviously reckless driving involved, which is enough evidence for an involuntary manslaughter charge. As to why the City Attorney has taken this long? I think we would all like to know."

Over the past year, Brandy has pursued her usual activities; shopping, partying and living a normal life. Sayed says, "Brandy continues to live life with really no negative results ... doing what Brandy is doing ... as if though nothing has occurred here." He also describes how life has become a roller coaster for his client. "Thanksgiving just passed and he and the boys were all alone -- he has no family here."

On December 30, 2006, around 10:30AM, Brandy was driving her brand new Range Rover northbound on the 405 Freeway at about 65 mph -- and didn't notice when traffic in front of her slowed down. She then hit Awatef Aboudijah's car, which veered to the left and was hit by another vehicle before crashing into the center divider. Awatef died at the hospital eight hours later, from massive internal bleeding.

Thank you TMZ for reminding us.