Friday, November 30, 2007

Folks Who Get It: Evil Knievel Is Gone But Finally Gets To "Touch The Sky"

Does This Mean Kanye West Still Has To Pay Up?

Cool breeze Evel Knievel, the flamboyant motorcycle stuntman whose thrilling triumphs and spectacular failures enshrined him as America's consummate daredevil, died today at 69 in Clearwater, Florida. The White boy with huge kahoneas passed only three days after it was announced that he and rapper Kanye West had settled a federal lawsuit over the use of the legendary daredevil's trademarked name and likeness in West's "Touch The Sky" music video. Check it out:

Knievel, who survived at least 38 broken bones, multiple concussions and countless abrasions acquired in daring jumps that ended in unplanned crashes, had been in failing health for years, including suffering from diabetes and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, an incurable condition that scarred his lungs. This cat just took a lickin and kept on tickin thoughout those early years. The L.A Times breaks it down.