Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Writers Guild Strike, Hollywood Running Scared. Showrunners Speaking Out

The Writers Guild of America strike is on, and Los Angeles is NOT braced for the long haul. People are scared. You heard about our big real estate buying boom two years ago right? Well, we all went and bought houses at over inflated prices, scared we would some how be "left out". We were like Parana in a feeding frenzy. So now we live in these houses and are barely making the mortgage payments. This Writers Strike has a trickle down effect to all business. Trust me when I say everything from catering and copying, to sales of roller skates and televisions will be effected. This is going to be ugly.

Q: So What could help end the strike faster?
A: Solidarity from high profile actors and o
ther industry big money makers.
Enter the "Showrunner", the title given to the person who basically coordinates all the elements of a sitcom(1/2 hour) or episodic (1 hour) television series. He is usually given, and unlike a lot of people, earns the title and big money of "Producer". What makes this "Producer" so special is that he provides confidence to the television networks ie. Fox, NBC, ABC CBS, and those other "producers", that no matter what may go wrong ... this weeks show will be written, filmed, edited and ready for broadcast. What gives a Showrunner his ultimate clout, is his ability do ALL this by himself just in case, everyone else should ever walk off the job. Yesterday, in New York and Hollywood, The Writers Guild started it's strike and ... everyone walked off the job.

But wait!!! So did some Showrunners! Ok, Showrunner that's not what is suppose to happen. That's not the plan. You were hired on your ability to write six episodes of this show by yourself, if such a strike ever, ever, ever took place. Hey Showrunner, you are suppose to be one of the producers, a part of the network "suits", because you are making the big bucks, just like them. You are suppose to make sure when I get home tonight I continue to get a fresh flow of new episodes of my favorite television programs. So what gives?

This is Shawn Ryan.
He is the Showrunner for shows, The Shield, The Unit and The Oaks and also a member of the WGA Negotiating Committee, explaining to fellow Showrunners and TV writers what decision he's reached and why:

"As you all know by now, we are on Strike. It's sad that we have arrived here and I don't know each and every one of your opinions, but I wanted to share my personal plans for what I intend to do until we have a fair contract. I am currently quoted in today's Hollywood Reporter as saying that I will do some producing work, but won't do any editing as I consider that to be writing. While I said something similar to that earlier last week (I've learned you can't trust a word of what these trades report), that was before I went to the Showrunners Meeting yesterday and became very crystallized in what I need to do.

Like many of you I have spent the last week contemplating what to do in case of a strike. What are my responsibilities to my writers, my cast, my crew, my network and my contract? How do I balance these various concerns? At the Showrunners Meeting it became very clear to me that the only thing I can do as a Showrunner is to do nothing. I obviously will not write on my shows. But I also will not edit, I will not cast, I will not look at location photos, I will not get on the phone with the network and studio, I will not prep directors, I will not review mixes. These are all acts that are about the writing of the show or protecting the writing of the show, and as such, I will not participate in them. I will also not ask any of my writer/producers to do any of these things for me, so that they get done, but I can save face. I will not go into the office and I will not do any work at home. I will be on the picket line or I will be working with the Negotiating Committee. I will not have an avid (editing machine) sent to my house, or to a new office so that I can do work on my show and act as if it is all right because I'm not crossing any picket lines.

I truly believe that the best and fastest way to a good contract is to hit these companies early, to hit them hard and to deprive them of ALL the work we do on their behalf. How do we ask our staff writers to go out on strike as we continue collecting producer checks? How do we ask the Teamsters to respect our picket lines if we won't ourselves or if we're sneaking around to do the work off-site? Just so you all know what I am prepared to give up....Tomorrow, we begin to film the Series Finale of THE SHIELD. I think it's the best script our writing staff has ever written. This is the show that made me. This is the show that is my baby. If the strike goes on longer than two weeks, I won't be able to step on set for the final episode of the show. I won't have a writer on set, as I have had on every episode since the fourth episode. I won't be able to edit this final culminating episode. I won't go to the wrap party that Fox TV and FX are paying for. You can't tell me that any episode of television is more important than this one is to me, and I am ready to fore go all those things in order to strengthen my union. Tomorrow, we begin filming a new pilot, The Oaks, that I am Executive Producing. It's an amazing script that David Schulner wrote and I signed up to help him make this show. Until we have a fair deal I cannot do that now and it kills me.

We are currently filming Season 3 of THE UNIT,
a show that does fairly well, but against House and Dancing With The Stars, usually finishes in 3rd place. We have no guarantee that we will back for a 4th season. I just gave a director friend of mine his first TV directing gig. I'd like to see him succeed. He'll have to finish the show on his own now without a writer on set, or my help in the editing room. Some people have made the argument that if they don't do this producing work or this editing, that someone else will do it, and this act won't hurt the companies. I respectfully disagree. If we ALL stop ALL work tomorrow, the impact of this strike will be felt much more quickly, much more acutely and it most likely will end sooner, putting our writers, our cast and our crews back to work sooner!

I spent nearly 12 hours today in the Negotiation Room with the companies. I watched our side desperately try to make a deal. We gave up our request to increase revenue on DVD's, something that was very painful to give up, but something we felt we had to in order to get a deal made in new media, which is our future. I watched as the company's representatives treated us horrendously, disrespectfully, and then walked out on us at 9:30 and then lied to the trades, claiming we had broken off negotiations. I can't in good conscience fight these bastards with one hand, while operating an avid (editing machine) with the other. I am on strike and I am not working for them. PERIOD.

You will use your own instincts and consciences to decide your own actions. But if you would like to follow in my footsteps (and those of many, many others who made this pledge at the Showrunner's meeting on Saturday), I encourage you to sign the trade ad that the WGA will be putting out on Tuesday by the dozens and dozens of Showrunners who will simply not work at all beginning in the morning."