Tuesday, November 13, 2007

En Vogue's Dawn Robinson Has To Put Reality TV On Hold As Husband Dre Allen Yells "Cut"

Over Before It Even Got Started?

Back in September family, we told you all about En Vogue's Dawn Robinson's upcoming reality tv show. In fact, we even let you see the video.

Well, apparently the two have gone the Bobby Brown-Whitney Houston, Jessica Simpson-Nick Lachey and Britney Spears-Kevin Federline route... Except they've reportedly broke up BEFORE the show even aired.

Media Take Out has put it out there that it was actually Dawn's husband Dre Allen who walked out on her. Here's the reported scoop from Dre:

People are sending mass messages saying that they think I should just stay in the relationship with Dawn because we have a TV show coming out & that I'm so close & that I shouldn't sabotage myself. WTF??? So you endorse using a person to get where you need to be. IM SORRY! I just have to believe that I have enough talent to get there independent of who I am with in my personal life. I am not going to do a disservice to Dawn & myself by staying with her to get a f**king TV show or some popularity. I love her but I am a firm believer in the fact that you also have to like a person to make it work. THAT I don't. Maybe I have issues with myself but I have to work those out independently. As for ego... its about 25% that! The rest is fatigue, sadness, & anger. I am tired ... it is over. Period.I am sorry if some of my fans are disappointed by that but you would be far more disappointed if you woke up to read that we stressed each other to death. Maybe not. Anywhoo...I love you all... STOP WORRYING ABOUT ME! I'LL LAND ON MY FEET...I ALWAYS DO.

Dre Allen