Sunday, April 29, 2007


1. Not only do you know all the security guards, janitors and cafeteria workers, one of them has asked you out on a date.

2. Your version of a conference call is when you call your friends and plan what you are doing for the weekend.

3. Your long, unpronounceable name is prominently displayed on your door, desk and around your neck in some form of cursive bling.

4. Bored friends and family members call you at work because you didn't answer your cell phone fast enough.

5. You paint your nails at your desk.

6. When you are on a personal call, you laugh so loud your co-workers on the other side of the office come and ask you what's so funny.

7. You give your out-of-town friends your company's 1-800 number.

8. Before calling in sick, you rehearse your sick voice and sick story several times out loud.

9. Coworkers ask about your father's surgery that required you to miss work for days - and you don't even know who your daddy is.

10. You use the company's postage machine to stamp your personal mail.

11. Your kid's school supplies all have your company's insignia on them.

12. You contribute $1 to the office Christmas party, eat the most food and take a platter of lunch meat and potato salad home to your family for dinner.

13. Before someone uses your telephone at your desk, they have to wipe the chicken grease off the handset.

14. You tell off your supervisor and a couple of other coworkers on a regular basis - and wonder why you haven't been promoted.

15. You come to work dressed for the club, get your haircut/hair done at lunch and come back two hours later. Then you ask "Was anybody looking for me?".

16. You cuss your creditors out for calling you at work.

17. Your kids call your job and say to the operator, "Let me speak to my Mama"

18. All the pot holders in your cubicle were made at summer camp.

19. You are sitting there reading this instead of getting your work done.

20. You don't officially start work until you get your digital read on at