Saturday, April 21, 2007


Ryan was one of the first people that I met at Virginia Tech.

I remember seeing him for the first time; seeing his wide and warm smile and his bright eyes light up as we shook hands and exchanged greetings.

We became good friends, and he would come in and sit down in my room and we would talk about any and everything for long periods of time. It was as if he and I were the only two people in the world at that moment, and nobody could reach us.

Read more of this student's story here.

Clark Goodbye Draws Tears, Laughter

Hundreds gathered Saturday to remember a 22-year-old who will forever be remembered for his eternal smile.

"He's probably laughing right now," his Godmother Tarona Tolbert said, "He would tell us not to cry, to go on with our lives and remember him for the happy moments."

Virginia Tech Band Director David McKee said that Clark always entered a room with a smile and a loud screech. When he demonstrated for the memorial service crowd, everyone laughed. When the Tech band played the school's fight song, everyone joined in. There were tears.

"He made you goofy," said Erin Dainer, a friend since elementary school.

One of Clark's teachers at Lakeside said she learned from her former student. "He taught me to laugh," said Marcie Anderson.

Clark died trying to protect others in his Virginia Tech dorm. "For that, he's my hero," said friend Jamie Cox.
