Friday, April 27, 2007


First Harold Loses US Senate Seat, Now Uncle Found Guilty Of Bribery


(AP) Former State Sen. John Ford, 64, a prominent member of a politically powerful family, was convicted Friday of accepting $55,000 in bribes.

An active Memphis Democrat since the 70's, Ford is facing up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. Given his age and the fact that he would be considered a first-time offender, a reduced sentence is likely.

Prosecutors gave jurors an up-close look at Ford stuffing his pockets with $100 bills counted one by one by an undercover FBI agent. A total of eight video clips were presented, as well as dozens of audio recordings from various meetings.

Just because Ford took his consulting payments in $100 bills does not mean they were illegal, his attorney argued.

Yeah, right!

In all, 11 people have been charged - several of whom are African-American. But Ford, brother of former Congressman Harold Ford Sr. and uncle to Jr., is the best-known defendant to go to trial. No racism here folks- just greed.