Saturday, August 2, 2008

Sitemeter Causes Only Black Sites And Blogs To Fail!

Okay-okay, maybe not. But if John McCain can use race to his advantage, why not bloggers?

Truth be told, now that 3BAAS has a crack-like addiction to Sitemeter's analytics, we are at a loss right now. In case some of you don't have a clue why this is such a big deal, Sitemeter is a free, fast, and easy way to add a web counter to your web page. Not only can it display the number of visitors to your web site, it also keeps statistics on the number of visits each hour and every day.

It also a tool that provides detailed information about these visitors. These statistics are provided in real time so they are always up-to-date.

But this "widget gone wild" and causing havoc, a bug in Sitemeter has caused a large number of websites and blogs to fail loading for users of Internet Explorer. Users of Google's Blogger were amongst the first to report experiencing problems with sites running Sitemeter at 6pm pacific time on Friday. The problem has since been partially rectified, although some 16 hours later and without a notification or official response from the company either via email or on their blog. Why is really pissy if you ask us.
