Friday, August 29, 2008

Gender Trumps Race??? Alaska Governor Sarah Palin To Be McCain's VP Pick!

GOP Hillary Clone Steals Barack's Thunder

So after all that Kumbaya with Black Presidential candidate Barack Obama, John McCain has just stole his thunder. According to reports Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, 44, is the one that John McCain feels he needs to snatch victory from the democrats.

The announcement may come any time soon today. FOX news reports that Mitt Romeny is out of the list as is Tim Pawlenty.

I have to give it to the Republicans, who cast Palin like Geena Davis in ABC's Commander in Chief. So much for "24's" groundbreaking portrayel of President Palmer vis-a-vis Dennis Haysbert.

Bloggers all of the net are speculating on the issue of Mccain's Veep choice focusing on Sarah Palin. It's not the governor of Minnesota. It's not Romney, but a plane flew in last night from Alaska to a small airport just outside of Dayton, Ohio. Could it be that McCain has picked a woman - a woman with 5 children and the governor of Alaska.

A mother of five, Sarah Palin is less than a month younger than Michelle Obama and the first governor of Alaska to be born there since it became a state.