Monday, August 25, 2008

Michelle Robinson Obama: I Come Here As A Sister... With Nails Done And My Hair Looking Fierce!!!

For The Girl from South Chicago, The American Dream Endures

Okay, the older white women in the audience with all the tears at the Denver Democratic National Convention were killing me. And the two cute daughters Sasha and Malia made America face the reality of what's happening in this country. As the group Klymaxx sang back in the day, "There's a Meeting In The Ladies Room."

And the verdict? Black folks are just like everyone else. We deserve that big White House at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue just like every other family who has occupied it, and Michelle and Barack Obama are the real deal. And I'm a Republican!

Speech excerpts:

Barack and I were raised similar. We were taught that your word is your bond, treat people with dignity and respect. Barack and I set to build our lives under these set of principles.

We understand that ordinary folks are trying to get by paycheck to paycheck. They're not asking for a handout. We believed that you could make it in America if you try.

Barack Obama feels that we should see the world not as it is but as it should be. Barack Obama reminds us of what the world should look like, because we need to find the strength within ourselves.

Other people have marched, refusing to settle all the while. Because of their will and courage, we celebrate 88 years of a women's right to vote, and the 40 year anniversary of King's dream.

Michelle Obama, Fashion Icon?

I honestly feel we are standing at the cross-current of history. Despite my political differences with Barack, I can not check any box other than that which says Obama. This is not about partisan politics. This is about history, about hope, about changing perceptions, about my two sons who will only understand what this moment truly means when they are fathers.

Sure folks are ticked about Hillary. And Michelle addressed that with grace. That comment about Clinton making 18 million cracks in the glass ceiling who helped little girls and boys see that the future is bright said it all.

We are alike more than you think. The thread that connects us is our children's future and the willingness to work together.

In the end, BO is the same man I fell in love with 19 years ago.

Listening to hopes and dreams, instead of fears Michelle Obama nailed it. The dress, the jewelry, the poise, the delivery. Outstanding!

What a tribute to her father's past and her daughters future. You the man Barack. And your women makes you look good black man.