Sunday, August 17, 2008

Olympic Black Men Are Fast Black Men:

For the 2008 Olympics, title of "The Fastest Man Alive", yesterday went to Jamican Usain Bolt who easily won the 100 meter dash in a world record time of 9.69 seconds .

"I didn't even know I got the world record until after I finished my victory lap, actually," said Bolt, the first Jamaican to win a gold medal in the men's 100. "One aim was just to come here and be Olympic champion. I did just that, so I was happy with myself. It means a lot to my country and it means a lot to me."
The dominant performance by the 21-year-old Bolt was the second shocker of the night. The first came in the semifinals when Gay failed to qualify. Bolt was disappointed that the reigning world champion did not compete for the gold. Gay called his failure to advance "devastating."

Silver medalist was Richard Thompson of Trinidad and Tobago and the Bronze was won by new Nike heart throb American Walter Dix with a personal-best of 9.91.

See our source for more of this story.