Thursday, August 14, 2008

Obama Is My Slave?????

It’s August of 2008 in America. The horrific atrocities that embodied American slavery officially ended at the end of 1865. After 143 years of freedom from the institution of slavery, leading to the struggle of racial equality and eventual opportunity for everyone, we still have Americans that don’t care enough about the country that gave them the opportunity to live free, to respect it.

Doron Braunshtein, also known as Apollo Braun, owner of a New York City boutique, claims he was recently attacked in his store by two African American men for selling his line of “Obama is My Slave” T-shirts.

According to an account from his publicist, the two men worked together - one grabbed Braun's hands while the other kicked him in the testicles. Now, after experiencing the physical fallout for himself, the shirt peddler is reconsidering his merchandise. "I don't want to be killed for my t-shirts. I am still shocked about what happened today but there is a big chance that I will stop selling my anti-Obama merchandise after what happened today. I mean, tomorrow someone can show up at my store with a gun, and I don't want that to happen."

Though he's considering halting the sale of the inflammatory shirts, Braun calls the tees "art" and defends his right to make them. Someone should educate this imbecile on the horrors of slavery since he was never taught in school.

Humans like Braunshtein disgust me. While he cries out for tolerance and understanding, his feeble mind fails to understand that his shirts are inflammatory speech, meant to incite violence and threats towards the Democratic nominee for President, and in this case, himself. This fact can’t be denied as the rest of his line of anti-Obama shirts that sell for $69 carry slogans like, “Jews Against Obama,” “Obama=Hitler,” and “WHO KILLED OBAMA?” Is this garbage supposed to be funny?

I don’t believe that Braunshtein is so stupid to believe that his shirts shouldn’t cause a stir, that they wouldn’t incite violence toward him or anyone else. He’s a business man, smart enough to open his own boutique and keep himself afloat. What I don’t believe he possesses is an understanding or desire to understand what America is.

I like to think that virtually everyone that enjoys the great things America offers has enough of a thought process to be talked to, regardless of how opposite their opinion is of mine. I welcome opportunities to see other people’s point of view as long as I know I am getting the same courtesy in return. Apollo Braun is one of few human beings I’d never like to speak with. His reaction to his assault solidifies his blatant lack of reasoning and provincial mindset.

This reaches beyond my support of Barack Obama for President. I wouldn’t advocate violence upon John McCain simply because I believe he will keep this country I love on its downward path. We forget that we’re dealing with real life when we support our respective candidates. If Braun has something he doesn’t like about Obama, and wants to spread some truth he may have stumbled upon, he has every right to do that. What is it about plastering hate speech on a shirt, advocating assassination, and a regression to a slavery mindset to the country that would make someone vote for his choice, John McCain?

To those that look to defend Braunshtein’s hate speech, think about how quickly someone is booed and shunned when they simply challenge John McCain’s military record. Because he spent time as a P.O.W. and exhibited courage and dedication to his fellow soldiers, it is immediately considered taboo to bring up anything negative he did while serving. Anyone that does is considered unpatriotic and in denial about the courageous things he did while being tortured.

With this mentality firmly in place, I can safely assume that Doron Braunshtein and anyone that thinks his t-shirts are okay to sell are advocating the murder of Presidential nominees; including John McCain, long for the days of oppressive and gruesome slavery, and wish for another Holocaust to occur. Since Braunshtein hates America so much, why doesn’t he just go live somewhere else?