Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Obama Assassination Attempt At Denver DNC Convention Is Real...At Least To Us

Denver, three White guys pulled over in their car for a routine traffic violation. Inside the car are guns, bullet-proof vest and drugs. One of the guys, the leader was sporting swastika and Arian tattoos. So if these guys look like Obama assassins, drive like Obama assassins, pack riffles like Obama assassins and then say, "we were going to assassinate Barack Obama at the stadium when he gives his acceptance speech." Why then are we thinking there is no assignation threat?

Tharin Gartrell, 28, and another man were arrested Sunday after a routine traffic stop. CBS4 Denver, reported that in his truck police found two high powered rifles with telescopic sites, as well as camouflage clothing, walkie-talkies, a bulletproof vest, a high powered spotting scope, three IDs not belonging to Mr Gartrell, two wigs and the drug methamphetamine. One of the rifles is listed as stolen from Kansas.

When police accompanied Mr Gartrell to his hotel, the Cherry Creek in Denver, a second man, Shawn Robert Adolf, jumped from a window and was injured in a six-storey fall. The 33-year-old, who was wanted on a number of arrest warrants, broke his ankle and was arrested shortly afterwards. Sources told the television station that he was wearing a ring with a swastika, and was thought to have ties to white supremacist organisations.

He was hospitalised and was being held on $1 million bond for several outstanding warrants involving drug charges, Detective Marcus Dudley said.

Mr Johnson, 32,
who was described as Mr Gartrell's associate, was later arrested at the Denver Hyatt and told police that Mr Gartrell and Mr Adolf "planned to kill Barack Obama at his acceptance speech." Mr Johnson was being held on drug charges while Mr Gartrell was being held on a felony charge of special offender, drug violations.

A woman arrested along with Mr Johnson was not thought to be involved in the plot. However Detective Dudley said more arrests were possible.

A statement late Monday by U.S. Atty. Troy Eid gave no new details but said there "is no credible threat to the candidate."

But people let's not pay attention to what he said let's pay attention to what he doesn't say. Listen to the past and present tense of the public statement and what Atty. Troy Eid is NOT saying. He is not saying..."And there NEVER WAS a threat!" No, that would be admitting the ungodly truth... that every day Barack is President we will be nervous and afraid for him.