Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Oprah Hosting Obama Fundraiser At Her Santa Barbara Crib

You know just the online invitation alone caused some folks to wet their pants!

In what promises to be a must-attend event for much of California's Democratic elite, particularly those in the entertainment industry: a September 8 fundraiser for Illinois Senator Barack Obama at Oprah Winfrey's home in the Santa Barbara area has the world buzzing.

And us trying to figure our how we can crash it!

$2,300 gets you in --- the maximum individual contribution for the primary season. Those who can tap friends and relatives for contributions to Obama's 2008 presidential campaign that total at least $25,000 gain entree to a VIP reception; those responsible for at least $50,000 in donations make the cut for a VIP dinner.

In the best tradition of Hollywood, the e-mail touting the afternoon gathering doesn't mince words, promoting it as no less than "the most exciting Barack Obama event of the year anywhere ..." And the invite urges haste in responding, saying: "Please get back to us soon before it sells out."

Initially Hillary Clinton --- bolstered by Steven Spielberg's decision to endorse her presidential candidacy --- appeared to have beat back an early challenge from Obama for supremacy among the Hollywood crowd.
But the Oprah event signals that the Obama camp is not going to cede ground without a fight.

The undisputed queen of daytime, Oprah endorsed Obama, who the sistah got to know through their mutual home bases in Chicago, back in the spring --- the first time she had ever officially embraced a White House contender.

At the time, the Black billionaire told CNN's Larry King, "I haven’t done it in the past because ... I didn’t know anybody well enough to be able to say, ‘I believe in this person.’ ”

While folks on the West Coast set about arranging their schedules for the Oprah affair, on the East Coast the Obama campaign today received the endorsement of DC Mayor Adrian Fenty, 36, another young biracial lawyer turned politico reflecting a new wave of credentialed Black activism.