Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Lindsay Lohan’s Bubble

Lindsay Lohan has done it again, just a lot more extreme this time. After recklessly chasing two different vehicles in a car that didn’t belong to her while drunk and high on drugs, the actress apparently told police that she wasn’t driving, it was the Black guy.

Since the troubled actress has been in the news recently for her wild partying ways and excessive drug and alcohol abuse, many people have taken sides in this knockout battle she's having with herself. While everyone agrees that her latest decisions are dangerous, fans seated in the adoring home section naturally come up with reasons for her inevitable downfall.

A discussion on the talk radio show I produce involved one such supporter that pointed out this child actress has grown up in the spotlight, causing her to be in a bubble. She sees the world so differently that she thinks stealing a car, running over a lucky escapee’s foot, and taking the remaining hostages in the vehicle while chasing another car is just fine.

In fact, while terrifying the hostages in the SUV she boasted, "I can't get in trouble. I'm a celebrity. I can do whatever the f*** I want." If we continue to allow celebrities to live in this vodka and cocaine-laced bubble, we should simply begin to acknowledge the “bubbles” that many young offenders grow up in.

A young 18 year-old man might be arrested for selling drugs in every city in this country. Should the police take him in, rid his pockets of the narcotics, and then send him back home. His father is nowhere to be found, and his mother works two jobs in hopes to support her children. The young drug offender is the oldest and sees his little sisters can’t buy new clothes or multiple meals each day.

This is one hell of a bubble that covers a 'hood he didn’t choose to live in. What he sees is money can satisfy the needs and wants of his family. Does he have the right to say, “I’m from a bad neighborhood, I’ve never seen my father, and my sister is hungry. I can do whatever the f*** I want to help my family.”

People in this kind of bubble aren’t envied and praised like gods. They are labeled criminals from birth. If someone wants to give this young man an opportunity to attend a school where the teachers have the chance to actually teach, and where he is surrounded by peers that are planning careers that place them into a "prestigious" society, its called reverse discrimination.

Lock him up, throw away the key, and pat yourself on the back for getting another menace to society off the streets.

When Lindsay Lohan breaks the law, all that’s seen is a troubled starlet we’re all rooting for who has stumbled due to her life in the spotlight and irresponsible parents. Slap her with a chump-change fine, another rehab vacation, and hope she doesn’t kill someone in August.

Keep talking, it’s the only way they’ll ever hear you.--JJJ