Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Why African Americans Need Black Folks Blogging Online All Over The Web!

As Spike Lee says in many of his movies, "WAKE UP!!!!

The internet is set to overtake magazines to become the world's third largest advertising medium in 2010, according to a new report. In a word, family, that means it's time we all get paid.

Media planning and buying agency ZenithOptimedia's global advertising report estimates that in 2010 the internet ad market will be worth almost $61bn (29.5bn), compared with the magazine market at around $60.5bn (29.3bn).

By 2010 the internet will account for 11.5% of global ad spend, trailing just TV, at a 37.5% share, and newspapers with 25.4% of an estimated $530bn (£257bn) total spend, according to Zenith.Internet ad spend is currently ranked behind radio globally but will surpass the medium's share next year. In the more developed UK market digital ad spend passed radio last year.

Check out the Guardian Limited article.