Sunday, December 16, 2007

Romney Dribbles About The Mormon Faith's Racist Attitudes Against Blacks: So, How Many Of Us Our On His Campaign Payroll?

I'm Not Voting For Nobody's Mormon!

I remember when my stepsister started dating this White Mormon back in the day. The whole family had a major attitude with it, knowing that the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day "Saints" had a problem with Black folks.

During an hour-long appearance on NBC's “Meet the Press,” former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney reminded me about that episode in my clan's history.

Okay, okay, Mitt Romney wept when his church ended discrimination, but why would this dude belong to a religion who even went there from the jump? And does his record for including African Americans in his past administrations, business dealings, and current bid for the Republican presidential nod in 2008 mirror this angst that he portends?

As a Black Republican, moderator Tim Russert didn't dig deep enough for me. Just getting teary after the Mormon church, announced a 1978 revelation that the priesthood would no longer be denied to persons of African descent leaves me... indifferent.

“I was anxious to see a change in my church,” said the Republican presidential candidate, appearing for the full hour just two weeks ahead of the crucial Iowa caucuses. “I can remember when I heard about the change being made. I was driving home from — I think it was law school... I heard it on the radio and I pulled over and literally wept. “Even to this day, it’s emotional,” Romney went on. “And so it’s very deep and fundamental in my life and my most core beliefs that all people are children of God.

So, Romney is in LAW SCHOOL and he can't discern that this ideology would be problematic to Blacks? "My faith has also always told me that in the eyes of God, every individual was merited the fullest degree of happiness in the hereafter and I had no question that African Americans and blacks generally would have every right and every benefit in the hereafter that anyone else had and that God is no respecter of persons, ” said Romney. HUH???

Russert asked if “it was wrong for your faith to exclude them for as long as it did.” “I told you exactly where I stand,” Romney said. “My view is that there’s no discrimination in the eyes of God." I just continue to worship a religion that saw Black people as less than.

I'm done. He's out! Right now, McCain is looking better. But if I were voting today, I would have to roll with Barack. What say you?