Sunday, December 30, 2007

Obama & Oprah Count Down To Iowa!

In Michelle Obama's Words, "It's Now or Never!"

Jealousy is a very funny thing. Whenever anyone who is powerfully positive, awe inspiring and secure enough to empower others to take control of their own lives, he or she is going to have challenges and "haters."

I relish in the beauty of moments like this when I recognize my own personal growth. For if this were five years ago, and a moment like this in history and I heard some of the pundits say some of the negative things they've been saying and read some of the negative posts I've been reading, I would have been ready to fight. I chaulk it up to the passion of my youth. I won't lie. Initially, when I began to hear some of the negative assessments of the highly successful campaign weekend two weeks ago by Oprah and Barack "I've been scrubbed" Obama, I did feel a bit of a rise of defensiveness.

However, as I thought about the spiritual force of nature and power that is playing out in Iowa, South Carolina and New Hampshire, I immediately felt a sense of calm for I am of the deep, strong mindset that what is for you, is for you and no negative force can stop it.

I heard some say that Oprah was "over-the-top" and that the campaign rallies at times had the feel of revival. Well, my response to that is if there was ever a time our country was in need of being revived, it's right now!Why did I mention jealousy at the top of this blog post? I mentioned it because we, as a country, have had a power base that has benefited greatly from Americans who have been sleep walking for a very long time as they continue to behave as sheep being led to the slaughter economically and socially.

For generations, there has been a message that said "white is right" and that equates to what's best. Therefore, many of the pundits who are clearly culturally incompetent, are quick to dismiss, and frown upon impassioned communication like that exhibited by Oprah and Obama as pandering to their audience as if to imply they were being inauthentic.