Monday, December 31, 2007

Judge Judy Doesn't Like Black People???

An ex-producer for "Judge Judy" is claiming that he was canned for complaining that black litigants were being... er, excused from the daytime courtroom strip. Does her bailiff know about this?

The lawsuit, filed in L.A. County Superior Court by former Senior Producer Jonathan Sebastien, alleges that Randy Douthit -- a supervisor -- told staffers, "We're not doing any more black shows," and "I don't want to hear black people arguing."

Sebastien claims when he complained about the alleged whitewashing, he says Douthit commanded his fellow producers to book "white upscale, pretty people" for Judge Judy, and to send black litigants to the "Judge Joe Brown" show.

He is seeking unspecified damages from the show and CBS Paramount. A staffer from "Judge Judy" -- who did not want to be identified -- says the suit has "no merit" and that this cat is a just "a disgruntled former employee who was fired for cause." [Source]