Saturday, December 1, 2007

Baltimore Black Firefighters Are Getting Hosed Over Cheating Scandal And Racist Hoax!

Evidence Of Folks Cheating On Exams Makes Us Look Stupid

While brothas on the L.A. fire department are stripping down to their scivies in a new 2008 calendar, things are not so hot in Baltimore. Turns out the top performers on two recent Baltimore Fire Department promotion exams likely cheated. Unfortunately, they were African American family.

How do we know this? Because the five firefighters were not identified in the report, except by race. To make matters worse, some Black fireman in Baltimore wrote this "hate note" along with hanging a noose in the station. What the hell is going on there folks???

The racially charged controversy erupted in June when union officials questioned the scores of the African-American firefighters, leading a black firefighters group to call the suspicions "racially motivated." Mayor Sheila Dixon said she was disappointed that the firefighters likely cheated and expects the Fire Department to take "strong action" with regard to disciplinary measures.

Though the firefighters did not admit cheating, the investigation found that at least five had a 2001 exam that they studied from, which is against test protocol. The test included numerous questions identical to the 2001 test. When questioned, the firefighters' "responses were deceptive, some bordering on being unprofessional."

The story continues>>>