Sunday, August 19, 2007

CNN'S Don Lemon Did A Great Job On That James Brown Piece, Now I Want The Real Thing

Okay, I might be on the late freight, but I just finished watching the CNN story about James Brown and thoroughly enjoyed it. If you caught the one hour special, by all means tell us what you thought.

One thing I didn't know was that Bootsy Collins played back-up for Brown before he and his crew blew up. Of course that made me want to hear some vintage Bootsy:

The other thing I hadn't thought about was when Chuck D mentioned that on his birth certificate, he's referred to as a Negro.

I immediately went to check mine and sure enough, it said Negro as well. For some reason, that really got me thinking how much we have gone through as a people -- even in terms of what we've called ourselves over the years.

Well, that's was a nice stroll down memory lane. And how was your Sunday?