Monday, July 2, 2007


This Is A Joke, Right?

Gangsta Lil G.B., aka President Bush, just put the nail in the coffin of any hopes for a Republican presidential victory in 2008 by commuting the sentence of former aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby.

Bush is an arrogant, stubborn, disappointment! And this is coming from someone who voted for him!!!!

The unfathomable decision now spares Cheney's boy from serving a 2 1/2-year prison term in the CIA leak case.

Bush left intact a $250,000 fine and two years probation for Libby, like that means something.

With the illegal immigration debacle, the Katrina disaster, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' incompetence, and the war causing everyone to seethe at the failed Iraqi surge, Bush is done!

Yes Scooter Libby committed perjury, yes he disgraced himself and his family, yes he obstructed justice which led to the guilty verdict -- so why is Bush giving this man the hook-up?

Is he prepared to do the same for Genarlow Wilson in Georgia? What about The Jena 6 in Louisiana?

Oh, that's right - they're not neo-conservatives who are throwing lots of cheddar at The Man.

Libby was convicted in March of lying to authorities and obstructing the investigation into the 2003 leak of CIA operative's identity.

He was the highest-ranking White House official ordered to prison since the Iran-Contra affair.

This is straight-up mafia, ghetto-stuff family!

Why didn't Bush just pardon Libby outright? This is an insult to the justice system, the jurors who worked on this case, the African-American federal judge who was appointed to carry out the laws that slaveholders enacted, and the American public.

Mark my words, CBS will also be bringing back Don Imus any minute now. Don't get it twisted, money trumps intergrity whenever you're runnin' with the big dogs folks.

Something reaks about this breaking news, especially coming hours after a federal appeals panel ruled Libby could not delay his prison term in the CIA leak case.

That decision put pressure on the president, who had been sidestepping calls by Libby's allies to take care of him the way he protected Dick and others in Bush's administration.

We wholeheartedly believe that Libby threatened to start singing unless somebody did something - real quick. C'mon, Bush acted with such cowardice on this piece. He released a statement on the eve on a holiday in a way that suggests this was a scam and a total sham.

Thank you George Bush. You just screwed-up my July 4th! Only impeachment will make me feel better.