Tuesday, July 3, 2007


It was at the center at least for this past weekend.

Home to 13 murders as well as last weekend's PGA Buick Open, Three Brothers and A Sister was on the scene, covering it all!

Why? Because “when the moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with Mars, then …" Let me stop and hit that part latter in the story. For now let me run down the strange but true haps' in Flint Michigan last weekend.

HEADLINE - A record 13 murders over a three day period. Maybe this is your town too.

SPORTS - For any town it doesn’t get much better than having a major PGA golf tournament. This week Flint is hosting The Buick Open!

But Tiger is not here for the tournament, as he and wife just had a baby. He's choosing family time (Lebron are ya’ listening?) over work.

So now the national sports story is “Tiger's absence means low attendance at this year’s Buick Open, and low television ratings.” Not since Michael Jordan, has there been a cry for a single athlete to be compensated by the league (in this case the PGA) for what he brings to each town and television ratings.

POLITICS – Flint is in the middle of a hotly contested mayoral race. The incumbent is Don Williamson, a former used car salesman who had to give up his dealerships. Why? Something to do with that convicted felon status. Wow! Does this sound familiar D.C.?

COMMUNITY - Bill Cosby returns to Flint to see what change and progress has been made since his last appearance here.

In these events throughout the country, the press has always highlighted the outrageous and hypocritical things exposed by Dr. Cosby.

In truth Bill Cosby’s mere appearance has really become a lightning rod for groups to address communities who for the most part are passive and who would not normally show up for these “call to action” town halls.

Cosby Quotes -- “Who Jesus is and who God is … He’s not coming, he’s already here. He is inside you and you are the only one who can make Jesus lie dormant.”

“Don’t worry that you are not your child’s best friend. Let that happen later when they are older and have some sense. Give your children CONFIDENCE. You teach it in. You hug it in. They won’t have it if you didn’t give it to them!”

ENTERTAINMENT – Well 60’s dinosaur music group the 5th Dimension is in town. I’m not one to sling dirt but there’s a reason Florence is the only original left. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Let’s just say affairs with married people within the group can be nasty business for all concerned even those who know, but keep their mouth shut.

OP-ED - And there is no one more opinionated than “poster child for the left” filmmaker Michael Moore, who's movie "Sicko" is causing all kind of buzz.

In the film Michael goes after the wacked out Health Care problem in the US. But just driving around Flint one is taken back to the O.G. the original Michael Moore film that set his career ablaze and that docudrama was "ROGER AND ME" (1989)

FLASHBACK: Roger and Me was Michael Moore’s relentless pursuit of then General Motors (GM) top exec. Roger Smith. He chased him for 90 minutes with the purpose of asking him why GM was closing auto-plant after auto-plant in Flint (known since the 50’s as Buick City, and Car City. 18 years later, looks like neither Flint nor GM are in no better shape.
