Sunday, February 3, 2008

Tech-Savvy Black Blogger Takes To Internet Radio Airwaves, Garnering Mainstream Credibility, Buzz And A Loyal Following Within Weeks

Content Black Woman Show #1 on

After only four outings since its January launch, the hugely popular Internet radio program, The Content Black Woman Show (CBW), has grabbed the #1 spot for current events programming on BlogTalkRadio. One of the few successful mainstream or Internet radio talk shows with an African American female at the helm, the program was featured last week in an Associated Press article discussing the historic 2008 presidential race between Illinois Senator Barack Obama and New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Hosted by 3BAAS Media proprietor and blogger Valencia Roner, a.k.a. the “Content Black Woman,” the program provides news, views and insights from a “content black woman’s” point of view. Its zenith rise of approximately 15,000 downloads per week has made many take note of this seemingly overnight web sensation.

“These are exciting times in our nation’s history,” said Roner, who was a featured panelist at the 2007 BlogHer Conference. “With white men ruling talk radio for so long, I think the success of my show demonstrates that the market is hungry for a more diverse perspective. It is my goal to be a part of the cadre of individuals providing a new voice both on a national and global scale.”

The only African American hosted and produced show in’s top 10 out of the 51,000 programs and over 7,500 hosts, CBW is clearly meeting a demand for strong advertiser-supported programming that appeals to woman in general, and high-end black consumers in particular.

Having specialized in marketing and public relations for over 15 years, Roner should know. The Los Angeles based entrepreneur and mother began the popular blog Why Black Women Are Angry ( with the intent of dispelling the less than favorable stereotype of Black women as being angry, focusing instead on their inner radiance, physical beauty and emotional state of contentment.

Currently, is the highest ranking site when inputting the search terms “black women” in Google’s search engine. The blog was also recognized by Ebony/ as one of the Ten Most Important Blog Posts for 2007 for Roner’s in-depth coverage of Prophetess Juanita Bynum and the controversy surrounding the popular ecumenical leader’s pending divorce and criminal case involving estranged husband Bishop Thomas Weeks.

“With the exponential growth of the Internet by way of YouTube, MySpace, blogs and other social networking sites, audio programs such as ours are providing a platform for those with something to say and to an audience to whom to say it,” stated Roner.

BlogTalkRadio is an interactive, media 2.0 platform that allows users to connect quickly and directly with their audience. Using an ordinary telephone and computer, (no software downloads or MP3 players required) hosts can create live call-in shows with unlimited participants that are instantly archived and made available as subscriber podcasts. The fast-growing network has signed up more than 7,500 hosts in less than 16 months.

On Wednesday February 6, 2008, Roner will feature guest co-host former Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Kevin Ross on a Special Edition of the CBW program, discussing Super Tuesday election results at 9 p.m. EST, 7 p.m. CST and 6 p.m. PST.

About 3BAAS Media

With a solid strategic focus on new media, 3BAAS is a minority owned, web-based company specializing in original as well as aggregated online content. Currently operating four websites, including Why Black Women are Angry and 3 Brothers And A Sister, our branding strategy serves to ensure that clients have a broad consumer reach, control over their message and image, and the necessary skills to effectively communicate in today’s global market. For additional press information, call 310-230-5381 or contact via e-mail at