Monday, February 18, 2008


Here is the animal abuse video everyone is talking about.
Warning, Viewer Discretion!

The US Department of Agriculture yesterday ordered that 143 million lbs of beef from the slaughterhouse be recalled. Officials estimate that some 37 million lbs of the recalled meat had been heading to schools across America though they fear that most of it will have already been eaten.

The abattoir run by the Hallmark Meat Packing Company, an associate and supplier of Westland Meat Company, which provides meat for America’s National School Lunch Program, is now the subject of an animal-abuse investigation. It would figure that the possibly tainted meat did not show up in Beverly Hills or Scarsdale but showed up in the lunches of poor under privilege children.

The meat didn’t come to an expensive steak houses or Wolfgang Pucks latest celebrity party. No the meat was consumed by children who’s families if they wanted to could not afford to file a law suit against the meat packer. JACK IN THE BOX and IN AND OUT BURGER food chains have been put on alert.

An undercover video shows sick cows and the sick cows being abused to get them to move. How could sick cows have been used? And how could USDA inspectors not have caught the abuse or their sickness. Click here to get all the dirt on how the hidden secret video was shot And don't be fooled. The people who were fired were not high ranking officicals but two illegal immigrants who had no idea what laws and rules we have here in the US governing the treatment of animals used in food processing. Nor were they medical professionals in a position to pull sick animals from the processing or report it. [TIMES ON LINE ]