Tuesday, February 19, 2008

White South Carolina Teacher Allenna Williams Ward Sentenced To 6 Years for Sex With Five Black Boys

Nearly 1 Year After Her Arrest, Ward Gets Her Comeuppance

Remember the White 23-year old (married) English Teacher from Bell Middle School in Clinton, SC who was arrested last year for having sex with five different black male teenagers.

Well all that youngin' lovin' is going to cost Allenna Williams Ward six years in the pokey!

Authorities said Ward met five different 14- and 15-year-old boys at the school where she taught as well as at a motel, a park and behind a restaurant. “I apologize from the depths of my heart,” Ward said in court.

Ward was fired from her teaching position last year but no information has been provided as to whether she will retain her teaching license. It’s also not known if Ward will be required to register as a sex offender.

It is known, however, that the mainstream media has completely ignored the fact that an adult white person was convicted of molesting black children. Wonder if a white male molesting black girls would have been newsworthy. What about a Black female sleeping with five White male teens. Hey, this one would certainly get attention: A Black man having sex with five White teenage girls or boys.

Yeah. that's the ticket!

At least Ms. Ward (I’m assuming her husband left her) will be doing some time, unlike Debra LaFave or Carrie McCandless, neither of whom served any jail time for raping their students. If only Allenna were prettier and blonder — perhaps she too could have escaped a jail sentence.