Thursday, February 28, 2008


This Sistah Is One Class Act!

Second only to the governor in power and prestige in California government, Los Angeles Assemblywoman Karen Bass has secured the votes to become the next speaker of the California Assembly. Why is this a big deal? Because an African American woman is being elevated to the post for the first time in California history.

Bass, a Los Angeles Democrat representing the predominantly African American 47th District, was one of 10 Assembly Democrats who were openly competing for the speakership, a political job considered by many as second only to the governor in power and prestige in California government. Her predecessor, Herb Wesson, also served as speaker during his tenure in the assembly. The African American politico is currently serving on the Los Angeles City Council.

Bass, 54, has been a top lieutenant to the current speaker, fellow Los Angeles Democrat Fabian Núñez who has served as leader since 2004.

But Núñez will be forced from office by term limits at the end of 2008. The end of Latino LA lawmaker's reign as speaker, the longest of the term limits era, was sealed after a Feb. 5 ballot measure to extend his term in office failed.

The scramble to put together the votes to become speaker began in earnest the next day, with nearly a dozen Democrats expressing interest in the powerful post. Assemblywoman Fiona Ma, a San Francisco Democrat who vied for the speakership herself, said Wednesday evening that Bass "does have the votes."

There are 48 Democratic members of the state Assembly and Bass needs at least 25 votes to become speaker. An official vote was planned for March 11, but several Democratic members said the vote could as early as today.

The first female speaker was Doris J. Allen, who served in the assembly from 1982 t0 1995. As Speaker of that body from June 5 to September 14, 1995, she would later be recalled from office by her irate Republican constituents who recognized that she was only given power to keep longtime Democratic Speaker Willie Brown's hold on power.
As the first African American speaker in California, Brown would go on to accomplish another feat -- becoming the first Black mayor of San Francisco. Doris Allen would later die of stomach and colon cancer in 1999 at the age of 63.

Bass was first elected in 2004, but will have to leave the Assembly no later than 2010 under term limits. With former assemblymember Laura Richardson now serving in Congress, looks like the sistahs are really start to flex their political muscle. And hey, we ain't mad at them! [LA Times]