Sunday, February 17, 2008


Uncommitted Superdelegate
Former US President Jimmy Carter

To win the Democratic Party nomination and represent the Dems against John McCain (the probable Republican Nominee), Barack or Hilary need 2025 delegates.

Although Barack is ahead in delegates and could potentially win next weeks primaries in Ohio and Texas, chances are neither candidate will have the necessary 2025 delegates to automatically get the nomination when Democrats go to their August convention in Denver. So what to do?

Well my choice would be to cancel them both out and nominate Academy Award Winner-Nobel Peace Price Winner, and former Vice President Al Gore from the convention floor... but I’m told by “others”, that probably won’t happen.

So enter the Superdelegates, whose official name is “unpledged party leader and elected official delegates". Each state party also selects some other unpledged delegates.

But to be clear, these Superdelgates are Democratic “mover and shakers” within the party. A number are former or current holders of public office. Click Mover Shakers for a list of today’s better known Superdelegates

The Democratic Party created superdelegates as a safety valve, in reaction to the 1980 Presidential Election. When then Democrat's Candidate for President, Walter Mondale, won only one state in the National Presidential Election against Ronald Regan. The Democrats thinking process was basically. “How in the hell did this happen? How could our choice of canididate been so wrong and we better not let it happen again.”

So they created these Superdelegates as a safety valve incase the general public Democrats, are so out of whack, that they don’t pick the strongest candidate to face off against the Republican Nominee.

At the convention will these Superdelegates select an unknown? Will they go with the general Democrat leader with the most delegates based on a popular vote? Or will they say “We Democrats need to win the Presidency and no matter which candidate has the most delegates we are picking _________ because they have the best chance to beat John McCain!”. If this last scenario happens.

Former political adviser to Al Gore Donna Brazile says she's not having it. She realizes this is very much like when the US Supreme Court gave the 2000 Presidential Election to George Bush over Al Gore, though Gore won the US popular vote.

Superdelegates have the power and will they use their Super Powers for Good or Evil remains to be seen. But before we start to go real crazy about this possibility, Let’s see what happens this Tuesday in the Ohio and Texas primaries and see if the race is still to close to a call. Stay Tuned.