Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Iowa Caucus Too Close To Call, Should Black Folks Even Care?

Should Black folks even care what white, rural voters in Iowa think about the presidential election?

Here are the latest results from the Iowa poll by Strategic Vision published on

There were 600 voters polled with a middle-date of the poll approximately 12/29/07. Illinois Senator Barack Obama led with 32%; followed by former North Carolina Senator John Edwards with 29%; New York Senator Hillary Clinton 27% Delaware Senator Joseph Biden received 5%; New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson 2%; Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd received 1%; Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich 1%; and 3% were undecided.

“Obama increased his lead and would appear to have some momentum going into the final full day of the race while Edwards appears poised that with his superior organization that he could still eke out a narrow victory,” said Johnson. “Clinton, surprisingly in light of events in Pakistan, lost support with a clear majority of Democrats expressing a desire for change over experience.

“Obama also leads Clinton very narrowly among female voters,” continued Johnson. “Also weighing in favor of both Edwards and Obama are when the second choice support of the second tier candidates is asked, both Edwards and Obama benefit. Clinton’s base of support in Iowa appears locked between 25% to 30% with the latter her ceiling.”

When Democrats were asked if they favored a withdrawal from Iraq in the next six months, 83% said yes; 7% said no; and 10% were undecided. Source: Presidential Polls

The average poll results over the last 30 days in the Iowa polls from are:

Hillary Clinton - 28%
Barack Obama - 28%
John Edwards - 24%
Bill Richardson - 6%
Joe Biden - 5%
Chris Dodd - 1%
Dennis Kucinich - 1%