Thursday, January 31, 2008

I Would Never Quit You Carlita Kilpatrick, Mayor Kwame Is Another Story

Behold, This Is What A (Busted) Hip Hop Mayor Looks Like
Boys and Girls
Click The Picture To Watch The Video

Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick reported for work at City Hall Thursday, the morning after his televised apology. Speaking about the text message scandal for the first time publicly Wednesday, Kilpatrick apologized repeatedly to residents, supporters, opponents, his wife and his three sons for what he called "the embarrassment and disappointment" of the past few days.

Kilpatrick spokesman James Canning said the mayor’s agenda for today is “meetings, meetings, meetings.” The workday follows an emotional Wednesday night apology to the city and his family where hizzoner never actually said what he was apologizing for.

Probably the most electric moment in the speech came when the camera turned to Carlita Kilpatrick, and she talked about what it was like to have intimate issues regarding her husband laid bare to the world for the past week.

"Like all marriages, ours is not perfect," she said. "Like all people, we are not perfect, but through our commitment to God and each other, my husband and I will get through this. Yes, I am angry, I am hurt, and I am disappointed. But there is no question that I love my husband."

Reaction to the speech from Detroit leaders seemed to depend on their prior feelings about Kilpatrick."I'm not ready to kick him to the curb just yet," said the Rev. Jim Holley, pastor of Little Rock Baptist Church.

Holley, a Kilpatrick supporter whom the mayor appointed to the Detroit police commission, said he was especially impressed with Carlita Kilpatrick. "If she can say what she said tonight and live with him, I ought to be able to live with him," he said.

But Emily Kunze, president of AFSCME Local 2920, whose approximately 300 members are clerical workers in the water and lighting departments, said the romantic relationship between Kilpatrick and Beatty is irrelevant, but added: "He did not address the fact that he wasted money, that he lied on the stand or that he lied to the public. I still wholeheartedly believe he should resign." [Source]