Thursday, January 24, 2008


Diva, singing legend and "over comer" Natalie Cole is shocking the fat off with a new weight loss system. It is good to give this good news report in the midst of so much tragedy and sad drama in the celebrity world.

Here is the scoop. Natalie Cole like most of us has tried many many ways to loose weight. Her new thing is sending volts of electricity through her body ... and it is working .

She is showing off her new shape and an even more positive attitude, as she sings the praise of RITA CZECH of Cellulite Solutions and her "endermologie". This new technology uses mild electrical currents to melt fat, stimulate nerves and drain lymphatic fluids. Now of of course Natalie is not telling you to stop that exercise routine. On the contrary, she is saying the combination of the two is giving her "fantastic" results as she has gone from a size 12 to a size six.

I would have to agree that too many times we use fad diets and liquid extremes to be our complete weight loss system, when in fact we need to use these things as an initial "jump start" to good exercise and good eating. These programs can get us going but they can't maintain our healthy life styles. Want more info on shocking that fat click Cellulite Solutions . I personally can't wait to see the new curvaceous Natalie this new year!