Sunday, January 27, 2008


Ghost Of JFK Haunts Camp Billary

After his spectacular showing in South Carolina Saturday, Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy will endorse Barack Obama for president tomorrow. YES WE CAN!!!

There's something about momentum and right now Obama has it, much to the chagrin of Bill Clinton and his woman. A Hillary campaign source told CNN that campaign understands "that Ted Kennedy is endorsing Obama and expecting it." And a Massachusetts Democratic source close to the senator confirmed that Kennedy has indeed committed to teaming up with the bi-racial Illinois Senator.

The announcement comes as February 5th is looking more and more like a political tsunami with high stakes in California, New York, New Jersey and Arizona. With a particular need to tap into the Latino vote, labor, and women, this is exactly what Obama needs as he begins airing Spanish ads in Los Angeles, and courts New Mexico Governor and former presidential candidate Bill Richardson for support.

While Kennedy has "enormous respect and admiration of Sen. Clinton," he also believes Sen. Obama has "a unique message and a unique opportunity." Kennedy's niece and John F Kennedy's surviving heir, Caroline Kennedy, endorsed Obama today in a New York Times op-ed entitled, "A President Like My Father."

In my post yesterday, I told you about how this campaign is being marketed to tap into a 1960's era of change, hope and inspiration. With 9 days before Super Tuesday, I think Barack Obama can pull it off. What say you?