Sunday, January 27, 2008


I have to give a big thumbs up to Hardball with Chris Matthews, NBC, MSNBC, General Electric and anyone affiliated with the NBC brand. They are finally fully redeeming themselves from the whole Don Imus fiasco almost a year ago.

Around the time I began regularly blogging, the Don Imus situation had arose and I remember being so angry that it took NBC/MSNBC two days to get any Black women on their program to respond to what became a crisis for NBC.

Well, what a difference nine months makes.

The professed news junkie that I am, I regularly switch back between CNN and MSNBC most afternoons. Well, Friday I almost went into cardiac arrest because I believe MSNBC broke the record for the most African American commentators during the course of any one hour news program in history. It was thrilling. I loved it!

On the program today, Chris Matthews had on Faye Wattleton of the Center for the Advancement of Women, Michelle Bernard of Independent Women's Voice, Deroy Murdock, Rudy Giuliani advisor and columnist, LaToya Foster, radio talk show host and Michael Fauntroy of George Mason University and author of Republicans and the Black Vote (btw, why the hell is this 181-page book $40?).

Now between CNN and MSNBC, is it about to be the battle of the Black commentators? CNN has Roland Martin, Amy Holmes and Donna Brazile. Another regular Black commentator making the rounds is Keli Goff. And of course, I can't forget my friend, Dr. Boyce Watkins. Continue reading>>>