Saturday, January 19, 2008

Hillary Is Making It Rain On Barack & Oprah!


Sen. Hillary Clinton won Nevada's Democratic caucuses Saturday, while former Massachusetts Govenor Mitt "What Black Person In Their Right Mind Would Vote For" Romney claimed his third GOP win, according to CNN. Barack was at 45% to Hill's 51%. When is John "Four Percent" Edwards going to drop out so Obama can get a little more love from the southern ladies?

Now we await the South Carolina showdown. Looks like Barack will have to wait to pop the bubbly Thursday.

Word is that Sen. John McCain of Arizona and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee are in a close race for first in South Carolina. Former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney are vying for third place in the pivotal Republican primary.

Although the state's GOP primary voters have picked their party's eventual nominee in every election since 1980, don't hold your breath this time.

And the Demos face their toughest questions yet when they debate before the Congressional Black Caucus. "I guess this is how the Winfrey... er, I mean the west was won," Clinton told her anti-Oprah supporters Saturday as California Rep. Duncan Hunter, who received just 2 percent of the GOP vote, abandoned his presidential bid.

If your a political junkie like us, you'll check out the blow-by-blow details.