Friday, January 25, 2008

No Weed Allowed Per The California Supreme Court: That Means You Too Method Man!

You Can Get Fired You Shiftless Marijuana Users, Even If Your Stash Is Medically Approved!

Cali's highest court ruled yesterday that employers can fire workers who test positive for marijuana even if they have a note from a doctor recommending its use for medical reasons.

The 5 to 2 ruling from the California Supreme Court came after the West Coast was first to legalize cannabis for medical use, only to follow up with ridiculous hypocrisy and ambivalence about making it a reality.

The latest ruling affirmed that a Sacramento company did in fact have the right to fire Gary Ross in 2001 after a routine drug test came back positive for marijuana. Although Ross showed RagingWire Inc. a copy of his physician's recommendation to smoke the drug to relieve chronic back pain from three lumbar vertebrae fractured when he fell off the wing of an F-16 as an Air Force mechanic in 1983, the company wasn't having it!

"From 1999 when my doctor started recommending medical marijuana, I can stop that spasm from getting into a knot and I don't need any pain medication," said Ross, adding he smokes only when he experiences spasms. "Prior to 1999 I was carted off in an ambulance a half a dozen times. Since 1999, only once."

But the company fired him, arguing that drug use was illegal under federal law.