Monday, January 28, 2008

Looks Like Rudy Is Jumping The Sinking "Giuliani for President" Ship

Etta James Sang It Best, "At Last" Rudy Comes To His Senses

In a meeting in the back of his chartered plane en route to St. Petersburg, Fla., a short while ago, the onetime, longtime GOP front-runner told a small group of reporters: "The winner of Florida will win the nomination.

Another one bites the dust???"

That's an unusually categorical statement suggesting that only a total upset for Giuliani, who trails both Mitt Romney and John McCain in all major polls for Florida's Republican primary tomorrow, will keep him in the competition.

Giuliani's campaign, which led in national polls when it began and stayed there for many months, is showing signs of serious financial fatigue. This month his top staffers are foregoing their paychecks so the maximum amount of money can be invested to salvage his political fortunes in the Sunshine State, which was where Giuliani's late-state strategy was to kick into high gear. [LA Times]