Friday, October 26, 2007


Georgia Supreme Court Upholds Ruling Freeing Black High School Athlete And Honor Student

For Genarlow Wilson, it's been a long 32 months. Sitting in prison for consensual oral sex with a fellow teenager while the former high school homecoming king was in his final semester of school was not exactly the plan.

In a breaking development, however, the Georgia Supreme Court ruled 4-3 against the state of Georgia's Black Attorney General and in favor of upholding a Monroe County judge's ruling ordered Genarlow free. Indicating that the sentence constituted "cruel and unusual punishment" the court’s opinion, in part, stated:

Although society has a significant interest in protecting children from premature sexual activity, we must acknowledge that Wilson’s crime does not rise to the level of culpability of adults who prey on children and that, for the law to punish Wilson as it would an adult, with the extraordinarily harsh punishment of ten years in prison without the possibility of probation or parole, appears to be grossly disproportionate to his crime.

This is great news family. Get the whole story about this brother here.