Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Cleveland's SuccessTech Academy Fails At Keeping 14 Year-Old From Shooting On Campus Before Killing Himself

White Teen Dies After Injuring 5 at Predominantly Black High School In Ohio

Armed with an intent to wreak havoc on downtown Cleveland's SuccessTech Academy, Asa H Coons, opened fire on students and faculty today before taking his own life.

Clearly this troubled, disturbed young man had issues, but isn't it ironic that this White kid would have the last name Coons???

SuccessTech , an alternative high school with an incredible 94% graduation rate emphasizing technology and entrepreneurship, was the scene of chaos and hysteria as students stood outside the campus, many in tears, hugging each other and on cell phones. Ironically, this melee occurred right across the street from the FBI office in downtown Cleveland.

Mayor Frank Jackson confirmed that three teens and two adults were hurt. He said the children were in "stable, good condition," and the adults were in "a little elevated condition." Police said SuccessTech Academy had been secured and that the lone suspect had fatally shot himself. Students said he was enrolled at the alternative school but did not attend class Wednesday.

Student Doneisha LeVert, who hid in a closet with two other students after she heard a "Code Blue" alert over the loudspeaker, said the shooter had threatened students Friday. He's crazy. He threatened to blow up our school. He threatened to stab everybody," she said. Ronnell Jackson, 15, said he saw a teen shooter running down a school hallway. "He was about to shoot me, but I got out just in time," he said. "He was aiming at me I got out just in time."

Tammy Mundy, 38, who has a son and daughter at the school, told The Plain Dealer that her daughter called when the shooting started. "She said, 'Mom they're shooting in here, kids are running out, I'm hiding in the closet,'" Mundy told the newspaper. Then she called her 18-year-old son, Darnell Rodgers, on his cell phone, and he told her he had been shot in the arm. "He said, 'Mom, I got shot,'" Mundy told the newspaper.

The mayor said two boys, ages 14 and 17, were hurt, as were two men, ages 42 and 57, and a 14-year-old girl he said fell and hurt her knee while running out of the school. The 57-year-old is a teacher and reportedly in good condition. The older teenage student was in stable condition, and that conditions on the other patients were not being released.

With about 240 mainly black students and a small number of white and Hispanic students, the five year-old campus ranks in the middle of the state's ratings for student performance. SuccessTech is housed on several floors of the district's downtown Cleveland Lakeside Avenue administration building.

"It's a shining beacon for the Cleveland Metropolitan School System," said John Zitzner, founder and president of E City Cleveland, a nonprofit group aimed at teaching business skills to inner-city teens. "It's orderly, it's disciplined, it's calm, it's focused."

Pray for these kids family. They're the ones trying to do the right thing. After reading this, you've gotta check out our next post to have some perspective.