Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Are You Really Tripping Over Alicia Keys Being Gay? If So, You've Just Found Your Exhibit A

Did you have any reservations or concerns that playing a gay characters was going to spawn rumors?

In the new issue of Complex Magazine, that's how the Alicia Keys interview starts where she talks about playing a lesbian in last year's film Smokin' Aces:

"What is this gay shit?" Alicia asked the director about the relationship between Georgia and her partner. Later, after reading the entire script, she welcomed the opportunity.And the more I read, the more I got it. I was like, "Wow, there's nothing people will expect from me less than this. And that's what I wanted when it came to the film. I don't want to be the singing, piano-playing 'girl role.' I want to be something that’s not who I am."

Not that there's anything wrong with it, but you have everybody and their mama believing that Alicia really gets down this way. What say you??? While your thinking, here she on the set of her new video in Harlem with the bunny and on the cover of the new issue of Ebony.